Bollywood actor Pankaj Tripathi has started interacting with his fans through social media during the lockdown. The actor started a series on his Facebook page. In these series, the actor reflects in the stories from his own life that changed his perspective of life.
Tripathi talks about memories of his childhood days. In one of the stories he narrated, the actor spoke about how the train and its sounds evoke in him bittersweet childhood memories.
Talking to a web portal, Pankaj said that he did not start the series with a script in mind. It is a conversational series where he talks to his fans and followers about the things that matter to him.
During the lockdown period, the actor is also honing his writing skills. “Actors are often closely associated with writing, even in the projects that they are just acting in. As artists, we communicate to the audience what the writer is trying to tell through his body language, his ability to emote on screen. Writing is a creative extension of me and I am not doing it with the motive of writing a screenplay really. I started with penning down my thoughts for the sake of keeping my skills sharpened. Writing and acting are interconnected for me,” he said.
Meanwhile, on the work front, he will next be seen in '83 and Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl which has Janhvi Kapoor in the lead.
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