Recently, Kangana Ranaut starrer Queen completed seven years of release. The actress took to her Twitter handle to acknowledge the contributions of director Vikas Bahl in her career despite their current personal equation.
Kangana shared a picture with Vikas and wrote, "Vikas sir wherever we may be with our friendship today but I do believe you played a very significant role in shaping my destiny, I enjoyed every minute of our creative partnership and today when I see #7yearsofqueen trending.... I want to say thanks to you. Thank you so much.”
Vikas sir wherever we may be with our friendship today but I do believe you played a very significant role in shaping my destiny, I enjoyed every minute of our creative partnership and today when I see #7yearsofqueen trending.... I want to say thanks to you. Thank you so much ????
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) March 7, 2021
Meanwhile, in 2018, during the #MeToo moment in India, a former employee of Phantom Films accused Vikas Bahl of sexual harassment. Kangana had extended her support to the former employee and even opened up about the alleged inappropriate behaviour with her.
In an interview, Kangana had said that every time she and Vikas met and socially greeted and hugged each other, he would bury his face in her neck and would hold her really tight. She also claimed that it would take her great amount of strength and effort to pull herself out of his embrace. She also said that Vikas would brag about having casual sex with someone new everyday despite being married.
In an earlier tweet, Kangana also mentioned the reason for signing Queen. "After almost a decade long struggle I was told I am too good an actor to be a Bollywood leading lady, curly hair and vulnerable voice made it worse, I signed Queen thinking this will never release, signed it for money with that money I went to film school in Newyork," she wrote.
After almost a decade long struggle I was told I am too good an actor to be a Bollywood leading lady, curly hair and vulnerable voice made it worse, I signed Queen thinking this will never release, signed it for money with that money I went to film school in Newyork (cont)
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) March 7, 2021
"Queen is not just a film for me, it was an explosion of everything I ever deserved was kept away from me for 10 long years, everything came all at ones, it was overwhelming, I truly believe what is ours no one can take away hang in their you will get your due," she added.
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