Zee TV recently launched a heart-warming narrative Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti, the show depicts the innocent world of two young and adorable kids (Rishi and Roli) who team up and set off on a mission to rekindle the love between their parents and bring papa back to mamma in the hope of completing their ‘happy family’. Together, they have vowed to be the glue, that will fill the cracks developed between their parents, Shubra and Kuldeep.
While television actor Siddhaant Vir Surryavanshi is seen essaying the lead role of Kuldeep, popular actress Neha Marda is seen playing Shubhra’s character. Actors of various shows are known for experimenting with their looks and one of them is Neha. With this show, the actress has not just returned to television after long but is back giving everyone some major fitness goals.
Talking about her fitness routine Neha Marda shared, “I always wanted to be fit and have toned body, my agenda is not just to lose weight but to gain the right amount of muscle and not to have extra body fat which keeps popping out. Of course, the lockdown has been a great time for us to make our immunity strong, work on ourselves, a lot of people have used it in a good way and so did I. Every individual has a different body type and things works out differently for them be it diet or fitness regime. It is intermittent fasting and gluten-free food that worked for me to achieve my fitness goals. I personally don’t use the gym but that doesn’t mean I’m advising not to go to the gym. I believe that gym workouts are meant to tighten up the muscles but it doesn’t last long. I am not a gym person, I am a power yoga meditation person, I do a lot of cardio by myself, dancing is a hobby that keeps me very healthy and that is my mantra.”
She further added, “As we always say that age is just a number, everyone wants to feel fresh and young and so do I. I want to capture my age, live my time, and conquer the future and for that being fit and healthy is very important. A lot of people tell me that I am playing a role of a mother and I don’t need to be so thin, but I think as an actor I will have a lot of versatile characters to play in life and I don’t want to miss out on that. Anyway, nowadays mothers are sexy and we have examples like Malaika Arora and Kareena Kapoor Khan, who are doing really well. A mother is not defined by how she looks, in fact, she is defined by her dignity and maturity.”
Well, Neha is indeed giving us some major fitness goals!
source https://www.bollywoodhungama.com/news/features/neha-marda-kyun-rishton-mein-katti-batti-reveals-fitness-mantra/
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